The story of Paramathma basically revolves around a guy and his friends. The hero of the movie has a pure heart and he follows his heart. The hero falls in love with a Gal and follows her everywhere even to her native. This is where most part of the movie is shot. Among the hero's friends one gal likes him a lot and she tries to convince the hero also to like her.But Punit marries his love and then they have a baby, 1 year after baby the heroine dies. Even after her death hero feels that she is alive and lives his life with her memories.To show that hero follows his heart Bhatru has shown many things like hero climbing Mt.Everest , doing several Business , Learning Kum Fu at China , goes in search of God and then finally taking up agriculture.
Let me start with good things in the movie, the strong point of the movie are its songs, the songs are brilliantly choreographed the lyrics are great , the music is very catchy and Punit has danced awesomely. In most of Yogaraj Bhat's movie songs are really good (lyrics and music) so is the case with Paramathma . The dialogues are funny ,witty and meaningful . The movie is picturized in beautiful places , mostly in and around South Canara.
The weakness of the movie is its story , it looks quite messed up.Director has tried to show too many things. In many places the story does not seem to be complete,many situations remain unanswered. Two fight sequences (kumfu and betting fight ) were completey unnecessary. I think director has tried to to show too many concepts like: following ones heart , love, friendship, death of a loved one,emotion of a dad towards his son , emotion of a dad towards his daughter , differences between culture of people from South Canara and Bangalore , education system etc.... and this is the thing which has messed up the movie. Even the "Life Estene" movie which was one of the outcome of Yograj production , seemed to be quite messy .
I truly feel this movie could have been definitely better with a better filtered script .For me both Life Estene and Paramathma were disappointing . This is because of the expectations I have with Yograj Bhat's movie and the above two movies were below my expectations.